Basic Concepts - Tokens and Embeddings
- Tokens = numerical representations of words or parts of words
- A word can consist of 1+ tokens
- Punctuation signs (. “ ,) are also usually tokens
- 💡 Words/tokens can be loosely thought as the same, although strictly speaking they're obviously different
- Embeddings = mathematical representations (vectors) that encode the “meaning” of a token
- 💡 See also AIF-C01 notes on Advanced GenAI Concepts
- Tokens UI from OpenAI's website
Evolution of the Transformer Architecture
1. RNNs and LSTMs
- Feedback loop already present here
- Useful for modeling sequential stuff like time series or language (sequence of words)
- RNNs propagate the “hidden state” i.e. the previous output
2. Encoder-Decoder Architecture (e.g. for Machine Translation)
- Encoders and Decoders are RNNs
- Last Hidden State = huge vector that contains the meaning of the sentence “Please Translate Me”