IAM Service
- 🔧 Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a core AWS service that manages identities
- 3 main jobs
- Manages identities → IAM is an IDP (Identity Provider)
- Authenticates identities (proves an entity is who they claim to be)
- Authorizes identities based on policies (allow/deny access to resources)
- No cost (free service)
- Public and global service, global resilience
- data is secure across all regions
- ‼️ IAM has full control permissions, but it only controls local identities in that account!
- IAM has no direct control on external accounts or identities
- Every AWS account has its own IAM instance, its own DB in IAM
- this IAM instance is separate from the IAM instances of other accounts
- an AWS account trusts fully its instance of IAM
- IAM can do almost anything in an account
- Exceptions: billing control and account closure (can only be done by account root user)
- IAM also handles:
- Identity Federation
- existing identities (e.g. web identities like Facebook or Google, or identities from an active directory) can be indirectly used to access resources in an AWS account
- The account root user is the default identity in an AWS account
- Associated to the account's email address
- An AWS account fully trusts its root user → full, unrestricted access to the account
- An AWS account and its root user can be loosely thought of as the same thing
- ❗ The root user is not an IAM identity!
- Best practice: least privileged access
- Only grant (other) identities the necessary permissions to perform a task
- Summary Diagram
IAM Identities and IAM Policies
- IAM can create additional identities in an account, called IAM identities:
- IAM users: humans/applications that need long-term access to account
- 💡 One can identify the individual entity that will login as this user
- ‼️ Use long-term credentials (username + password and/or access keys)!
- IAM groups: collection of related IAM users
- e.g. development team, finance or HR
- IAM roles: can be used by AWS services or for granting external access to an account
- 💡 Used when it's uncertain how many entities will use these permissions
- ‼️ Use short-term credentials!!
- IAM policy = object or document which can be attached to an IAM identity. It allows or denies access to AWS services/resources to the IAM identity or identities it is attached to.
- The account trusts the permissions of that identity the same way it trusts IAM
- IAM Identities and Policies Diagram