Traditional IT
- Server components:
- Compute: CPU
- Memory: RAM
- Storage: Data
- Database: Data storage with structure & intelligence
- Network: Router, Switch, DNS server…
- Traditionally, servers bought and stored in data centers
- Problems (wasted capacity, management overhead, pricing…)
- Cloud Computing solves many of these problems
Cloud Computing (imported from Cantrill’s FREE Tech Fundamentals course)
NIST 800-145 Document
Detailed Pages
What is Cloud Computing?
Public vs Private vs Multi vs Hybrid Cloud
Cloud Service Models (XaaS)
Pricing of the Cloud - Quick Overview
- AWS has 3 pricing fundamentals, following the pay-as-you-go pricing model
- Compute:
- Storage:
- Pay for data stored in the Cloud
- Pay for data transfer OUT of the Cloud
- ❗ Data transfer IN is free!